Sunday, 24 February 2013

Razor Blades and Infant Formula

Disposable razor blades and infant formula don't seem to share much in common until we look a little closer at one concern of their consumers.

Here is a re-wording of an Early Day Motion from October 2012 in the UK Houses of Parliament: 

"That this House notes the exorbitant increase in the retail price of men's razor blade cartridges infant formula where in three seven years the price has increased in some cases by almost 100 per cent, some 10 times greater than the price of inflation; and calls on the Office of Fair Trading and consumer bodies to investigate this sector where it has been reported that the production costs per cartridge 100g are in pence while marketing, packaging and profiteering are resulting in very high margins of around a thousand per cent, with an eight-cartridge pack a standard 900g tin  of infant formula currently retailing at many outlets at approximately 22 £10."

Infant formula is the main food source for babies who are not breastfed.  It is outrageous that there isn't similar interests its retail costs as in that for razor blades.  The price of formula averaged 52p per 100g in 2005, 68p per 100g in 2007 now costs approximately 98p for the same volume today.  

A walk through the the baby aisle now have baby formula with anti-theft security tags on them.  Something it shares with hair dye, booze and body wax strips.  Formula is hardly an option like the other three things mentioned.  So where is the social and political concern for this issue?

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